The Best (Under-appreciated) Beauty Youtubers

I'm sure I'm like most other beauty lovers in that I turn to youtube for everything from tutorials to product reviews. I've subscribed to a lot of youtubers that I love, I just feel some get more attention that others. Everyone (myself included) loves Zoella, and Tanya Burr and all those other popular beauty youtubers but I wanted to highlight some of my favourites who maybe don't get as much attention. The criteria I used for popularity was over 1 million subscribers. These youtubers haven't reached their first million yet but they definitely deserve some love.

Allison Anderson
I really like Allison's videos. She does a lot of beauty videos but she also has some great lifestyle and DIY videos. She's girly and enthusiastic, definitely worth subscribing.

Amelia Liana
Amelia is a British youtuber who makes a lot of Beauty and fashion videos. She's slightly silly but a delight to watch.

Emily Noel
Emily is my go to for product reviews. She also has a second channel where she does express videos reviewing products She just gave birth to a new baby, Belle, but she still finds time to make videos. It's impressive.

Essie Button
Estee is a fellow Canadian but lives in London so she is able to provide a unique mix of UK and North American product reviews. She's also super silly and chatty. Her vlog channel with her boyfriend and her dog is also great.

Jordan Liberty
Jordan is my newest youtube find. He's a professional makeup artist and photographer so his videos are full of pro tutorials and tips.

Kathleen may be my favourite beauty youtuber. Her tutorials are probably the best on youtube. She's super talkative and bubbly. I love her channel and can't recommend it enough.

Tati is a California based youtuber who makes beauty videos 5 days a week. Her reviews are very reliable and her Tip Tuesdays are always helpful. I especially love her Hot or Not series.

If you watch any youtubers you feel are under-appreciated let me know, I'd love to check them out. And if any of you make videos leave a link in the comments and I'll be sure to subscribe.

*All photo's come from the respective youtuber's channel

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